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Interactive Music-Making

What is Interactive Music-Making?

Interactive Music-Making is a child-centred approach to music-making, which establishes positive relationships and fosters the child's individual potential. It is designed to make music-making a more integral part of all children's early development opportunities and to promote skills associated with developing social communication.

“Interactive Music-Making is what early years is all about. What better inclusive environment can you think of?”   

 - Dimitrios Kontozisis (Deputy Head-Specialist Leader in Education)

How does Interactive Music-Making Work?

Encouraging children to become actively involved in making music can offer an opportunity for them to respond spontaneously in ways which are directly linked to the development of their general skills.


Interactive Music-Making is designed to make music a more integral part of all children’s early development opportunities, and to promote skills associated with developing social communication, including:


• Attention and listening

• Non-verbal expression

• Vocal responses

• Communication skills

• Turn-taking and sharing

• Social understanding and confidence

• Concentration and focus

• Confidence

• Self-regulation

Our Mission

Our Interactive Music-Making sessions can be designed to take place in various locations and settings including Nurseries, Children's Centres, 'Play and Stay', Preschools, Hospitals, and in homes.

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